Geographic coordinates: -4.7781136669681326, 11.907869530023563 (estimation only; the real coordinates are not known)
Collectors: Alain Robert
Data curators: For the original sample: Christian Bordereau; the 3D scans are curated by Christian Jost, Guy Theraulaz and Andrea Perna
Collection date: October 2008
Morphological descriptors: layers, floors, regular structure, ramps, pillars
Material descriptors: clay
Taxonomic descriptors: Apicotermes lamani, Apicotermes sp.
Geographic descriptors: Africa, Central Africa
Alternative ID: Mesomorph project (ANR-06-BYOS-0008): MeMo0014
Acknowledgements: The nest was imaged for free at CHU Dijon
Available data: 3D images (medical tomography), photos of samples
Availability of the original specimen: Not known
Usage permissions: Please contact the data curators.
Additional information: Source: Christian Bordereau (Universite de Bourgogne, Dijon)
Origin and biological information: Has been brought back from the Republic of Kongo in October 2008 by Alain Robert (“Je me souviens tres bien de ce nid. Il provient de la proche banlieue de Pointe Noires, Je n’ai pas la localisation pr ecise car il a eté réecolté par des paysans.”). Very likely Apicotermes lamani (could be confirmed by a genetic analysis of the individuals). General comments: Christian Bordereau used the termites to test their pheromone signalling. The staff from CHU Dijon (site le bocage, Mme Garnier) scanned the nest for free (will have to be acknowledged) on 21/02/09.
This nest was featured in the following scientific publications: Guo L., Theraulaz G., Jost C., Perna A. (2016) “Self-organized linear and helicoidal ramps in insect nests”. IEEE 1st International Workshops on Foundation and Applications of Self* Systems Heyde, A., Guo, L., Jost, C., Theraulaz, G. and Mahadevan, L., (2021) Self-organized biotectonics of termite nests. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 118(5).